Main objective: To lengthen the Illiopsoas muscle
- Stand with one leg bent and slightly forward.
- Internally rotate the back leg.
- Gently draw navel inward towards your spine. squeeze your buttocks, and tuck your chin and gently draw neck and head backward. (The draw-in maneuver)
- While maintaining the draw-in maneuver, slowly move your body forward until you feel a mild tension in the front of the hip being stretched.
- As a progression, slowly raise your arm (on the same side sane as the back leg) up an over to the opposite side, while maintaining your pelvis position. (fig.1)
- Hold the side bend position while you slowly rotate posteriorly. (fig.2)
- Hold for two seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
- Repeat on the other side.
Make sure that you maintain the draw-maneuver during this stretch. This will reciprocally inhibit the Illiopsoas muscle, allowing for greater lengthening of the Illiopsoas muscle.
Download diagram and instructions for Week Five Standing Illiopsoas